SharePlan.Vision is a fully automated
and versatile online share plan system.
A cloud-based employee share plan and options system (SaaS) used by some of Singapore’s leading listed companies, along with outsourced services.
Fully featured to support:

Share Plan

Phantom Share Plan

Employee Share
Option Plan

Non-equity Incentive Plan

Employee Share
Purchase Plan

Other Incentive Plans
SharePlan.Vision addresses the
needs of all key stakeholders.

Share Plan Administrators

Award Participants


Corporate Secretary

IT Security
TSV Share Plan Services:
Providing Online Share Plan System to companies since 2002
Able to support different Employee Share Plans
Highly versatile & customisable system
Integrated to form a complete share plan management system
Powered and proven capabilities of our web-based system
Automates the workflow of administering, exercising/ vesting, and tracking of incentive plans
Share Plan Offerings Summary:
Online Share Plan System Software as a Service (SaaS)
Employee Share Option Plan
Performance & Restricted Share Plan
Employee Share Purchase Plan
Phantom Share Plan
Service Options
Subscription Service
Hosting of System
License to Use and Maintenance
Full Outsourcing Service
Subscription Service
Hosting of System
License to Use
Full administrative services
Helpdesk Support

Automated Share Plan Solutions
Manage, administer, exercise, and track all types of employee share/cash schemes.
The Software as a Service (SaaS) powered and proven capabilities of our web-based system automates the workflow of administering, exercising/ vesting and tracking of all types of share/ cash incentive plans, without the need to invest in expensive IT infrastructures and software licences.

Why Shareplan?
Fully Automated & Highly Versatile
Our Online Shareplan System is a highly versatile system in which all modules can be integrated to form a complete share plan management system.
Each module can also function independently as a standalone system or can be combined with another module depending on your requirements. We can customise the system according to your needs.

Trusted by over 9,000 users,
the Online Share Plan system provides extensive management without the need to invest in expensive IT infrastructure and licenses.
Our highly versatile, modular system can be customised, scaled, and adapted to grow with you.